Once again the Lions brings you an opportunity to purchase a ready-to-paint ceramic holiday keepsake. We have partnered with Paint-a-Treasure Art Studio to be able to offer several different kits.
You simply can’t go wrong with these awesome paint your own ceramics. They make a great family fun project for kids and adults alike! Perhaps even consider hosting a child’s paint-your-own ceramic painting party and give them a memory that will truly last a lifetime. No firing or baking required for these pieces…Just paint!
We will have a “Stay & Paint” opportunity at the Lions Lodge on December 2nd or you can simply pick up your order and paint at home! You can pick up your order on December 1st at the Lodge. For more information about this and how to reserve your spot to paint at the Lodge, CLICK HERE to view our informational flyer.
This program is provided specially for the ML Lions Club. A portion of the proceeds comes back to the club to support our holiday community missions. Use the following link to visit the Paint-a-Treasure purchase site specifically created to place your order and support this initiative.